Car rental insurance in Armenia
Renting a car on the road offers many advantages. This service has been popular in Armenia for a long time. Tourists traveling in Armenia, more often use the car rental service. The advantage of renting a car while traveling in Armenia is the flexibility of the chosen destination and car rental can often be the only way to visit the remote places of the ancient country - Armenia.
Why do I need rental car insurance?
When driving a car, you may encounter various unforeseen situations. If you have got into an accident on a rented car, then the usual insurance policy may not cover all costs. Making insurance will protect the car from any risks. If you are the culprit of an accident, but someone else's car was damaged, insurance properly executed on time will reimburse all expenses.
- If you insure the car voluntarily, that is, conclude a CASCO agreement, then whoever is responsible for the incident will not matter, the insurance company will reimburse you anyway. By issuing a CASCO insurance policy, you insure your car against theft or theft, various damages that were intentionally caused and are the result of adverse weather conditions.
Types of insurance for rented cars in Armenia (CTP and CASCO) and their differences
All rented cars need insurance. In Armenia, there are two generally accepted types of rental car insurance, the names of which are often abbreviated to not completely understood abbreviations:
- Voluntary car insurance (CASCO).
- Compulsory car insurance (CTP).
Next, we consider each type of insurance in more detail.
- CASCO insurance for a rented car is almost the only way to work with the user's irresponsibility (“not mine - it’s not a pity”). CASCO insurance implies that even if the tenant is guilty of damage to the rental car, the insurance company will make full or partial compensation for the damage. But at the same time, in order to avoid negligent attitude to the rented car, it is provided that part of the responsibility for compensation for the damage lies with the lessee. The insurance will also indemnify if the car was stolen or some parts of it were stolen.
- Under the CTP insurance policy, insurance is paid if damage has been caused to someone else’s vehicle, property or the health of third parties as a result of your actions. The CTP policy will allow you to compensate for the damage that you, as a driver, caused to the property and health of third parties (passengers and pedestrians). If an accident occurred due to the fault of the owner of the CTP policy, it will not be he who will pay the victims, but his insurance company. This insurance is more expensive than CASCO, but also provides more options.
The difference between CASCO and CTP insurance policies is as follows: when you apply for CASCO insurance, you insure your car exclusively, and when you fill out CTP insurance, you are responsible in case you damage someone else's car.